April 18, 2014

Ask The Pharmacist With Joe DiMatteo Anti Aging Part 2 March 1, 2014

In this broadcast Joe talks about the many ways to slow down and reverse the characteristics of aging.  Joe states "It is never too late to structurally improve your skin with nutritional products from within to slow down and even reverse the characteristics of aging".  He even discusses the benefits of laser therapy treatments which are now offered at the Integrative Wellness Center in The Medicine Shoppe Compounding Pharmacy in Oakmont.

The link below takes you to this discussion which includes an education and understanding of the epidermal and dermal layers of skin and there role in aging, as well as key nutritional items such as Buffered C, Hyaluronic Acid and Resveratrol Plus and the role they play in slowing down and reversing the aging process.

Anti Aging Part 2 

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As always,

Be well,

Diane Silverman R.Ph.

Ask The Pharmacist Group

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