June 13, 2014

Ask The Pharmacist Livestream with Joe DiMatteo – GUARD YOUR HEART PT.2 – June 6, 2014

In this livestream Joe continues to discuss your heart and how to “guard it”.  This is not just about the heart itself; Joe discusses heart health as a function of your circulatory system and not just about cholesterol.  “Guarding your heart is not just about watching your cholesterol” says Joe.

Joe summarizes at the end of his 2 week Livestream with a section he names:  Protection:  The Standard. Here is the list he recommends:

Lifestyle change

Diet Change

Buffered C

Omega-3 800

Perfect E

Vitamin D


Joe discusses that many nutrient dense foods can supply the heart with natural supplementation needed for protection.  In addition, the above list of products is necessary.

Here is the link to the entire Livestream “Guard your Heart Part II”:

Guard Your Heart Part II

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As always,

Be well,

Diane Silverman R.Ph.
Ask The Pharmacist Group

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